lunedì 20 maggio 2013

How-to Install Google-Chrome for Mageia 3 Gnome3 64bit Desktop Easy Visual-Guide

Install Google-Chrome Browser for Linux Mageia 3 Gnome3

The Guide Show How-to Install the Google-Chrome Browser 64bit Latest Stable on Linux Mageia 3 Gnome3 x86_64 Desktop.

Take Note: At the Same Time I'm Illustrating Here also What's the Easiest Way of Installing the New .rpm Downloaded Packages with Dependencies on Linux Mageia Distro.

Inside the Article you Find Links to Creating a Launcher on Mageia Gnome3 Desktop and Installing Evernote.

This is Also a Very Useful Entry Level Exercise to Learn How-to Manually Installing some New Custom Software on the Mageia Linux Gnome3 Desktop :)

Install Google-Chrome Browser for Mageia 3 Gnome3 - Featured
  1. Download Google-Chrome for Mageia Linux:

    Chrome .rpm 64bit Release
  2. Open a Terminal Window

    Cmd & Search for Terminal

    Install Google-Chrome Browser for Mageia 3 Gnome3 Open Terminal
  3. Installing Required Libraries
    su -c "urpmi lib64xscrnsaver1 lsb-lib"

    Linux Mageia 3 How-to Getting-Started Installing New Packages:

    Mageia3 Initial Repos SetUp
  4. Find and Double-Click On the .rpm Chrome Package

    Then the Gnome3 Package Manager will Provide Automatically to Install the Package with All his Dependencies...

    Install Google-Chrome Browser for Mageia 3 Gnome3 by Package Manager on Linux Mageia 3 Gnome3 - 1

    Confirm Installation also When Warned About Package Bad Signature!

    Install Google-Chrome Browser for Mageia 3 Gnome3 by Package Manager on Linux Mageia 3 Gnome3 - 2
  5. How-to Create an App Launcher on Gnome3 Desktop:

    How-Launcher for Mageia Gnome3
    Install Google-Chrome Browser for Mageia 3 Gnome3 - Chrome Launcher
  6. So Now Thanks to Google Inc. You Should Finally Fully Enjoy a Google-Chrome Browser Experience on Mageia Linux ;)